The incoming Secureboot/Restrictedboot war
Indian Open Standards policy finalized, with a major victory for the FOSS community
The magical moment that made me a FOSS guy forever
Apple is as big a threat to FOSS as Microsoft
Discussing Paul Graham's essay on software patents
The Microsoft Tax Refund campaign at ILUGD
ReCaptcha - Reusing the energy of fighting evil for social good
Mark Shuttleworth on free and “non-free” Linux distros
Ubuntu Edgy out in October end
The number of fonts in your KDE desktop might be slowing it down
Interesting wxpython case study
Wordpress XML-RPC bug and Upgrade patch
Wordpress tinyurl plugin
Using svnreplicate
Reformatted Bazaar docs
Patching up Worpress 1.5.1 to fix feeds
Greasemonkey - shaking up the web
Nice short intro to Bazaar
Free Java and Free Flash
Bitkeeper plays spoil-sport. Linux looking for a new SCM
MaxMind donates its city database
Introduction to the Thoutreader ebook reader
Ubuntu CDs cause Custom Troubles for Indian Linux enthusiast
My photos from Linux Asia 2004
Hula Server - The New OSS Groupware Server in Town
CLI client for Hotwire Internet
Video Conferencing On Linux
Extending Wordpress’s RSS excerpts
Opensource catalyzes a paradigm shift in the computer industry
(Word) Pressing the site!