Using Zap - Creating custom loggers

Using the logger presets in zap can be a huge time saver, but if you really need to tweak the logger, you need to explore ways to create custom loggers. zap provides an easy way to create custom loggers using a configuration struct. You can either create the logger configuration using a JSON object (possibly kept in a file next to your other app config files), or you can statically configure it using the native zap.Config struct, which we will explore here.


This post is second of a series of posts showing different ways of using zap. The other posts are Simple use cases, Custom encoders and and Working With Global Loggers

This documentation was written for zap v1.8.

The full source for the code extracts in the rest of the post is here

1. Using the zap config struct to create a logger

Loggers can be created using a configuration struct zap.Config. You are expected to fill in the struct with required values, and then call the .Build() method on the struct to get your logger.

// general pattern

cfg := zap.Config{...}
logger, err := cfg.Build()

There are no sane defaults for the struct. You have to, at the minimum, provide values for the three classes of settings that zap needs.

2. Customizing the encoder

Just mentioning an encoder type in the struct is not enough. By default the JSON encoder only outputs fields specifically provided in the log messages.

Here are the least number of struct fields which will not throw an error when you call .Build():

logger, _ = zap.Config{
    Encoding:    "json",
    Level:       zap.NewAtomicLevelAt(zapcore.DebugLevel),
    OutputPaths: []string{"stdout"},

logger.Info("This is an INFO message with fields", zap.String("region", "us-west"), zap.Int("id", 2))



Even the message is not printed!

To add the message in the JSON encoder, you need to specify the JSON key which will have this value in the output.

logger, _ = zap.Config{
    Encoding:    "json",
    Level:       zap.NewAtomicLevelAt(zapcore.DebugLevel),
    OutputPaths: []string{"stdout"},
    EncoderConfig: zapcore.EncoderConfig{  
        MessageKey: "message",  // <--

logger.Info("This is an INFO message with fields", zap.String("region", "us-west"), zap.Int("id", 2))


{"message":"This is an INFO message with fields","region":"us-west","id":2}

zap can add more metadata to the message like level name, timestamp, caller, stacktrace, etc. Unless you specifically mention the JSON key in the output corresponding to a metadata, it is not displayed.

Note that these metadata field names have to be paired with an encoder else zap just burns and dies (!!).

For example:

cfg := zap.Config{
    Encoding:         "json",
    Level:            zap.NewAtomicLevelAt(zapcore.DebugLevel),
    OutputPaths:      []string{"stderr"},
    ErrorOutputPaths: []string{"stderr"},
    EncoderConfig: zapcore.EncoderConfig{
        MessageKey: "message",

        LevelKey:    "level",
        EncodeLevel: zapcore.CapitalLevelEncoder,

        TimeKey:    "time",
        EncodeTime: zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder,

        CallerKey:    "caller",
        EncodeCaller: zapcore.ShortCallerEncoder,
logger, _ = cfg.Build()
logger.Info("This is an INFO message with fields", zap.String("region", "us-west"), zap.Int("id", 2))

Will output:

{"level":"INFO","time":"2018-05-02T16:37:54.998-0700","caller":"customlogger/main.go:91","message":"This is an INFO message with fields","region":"us-west","id":2}

3. Metadata field encoder alternatives

Each of the encoder can be customized to fit your requirements, and some have different implementations provided by zap.

4. Changing logger behavior on the fly

Loggers can be cloned from an existing logger with certain modification to their behavior. This can often be useful for example, when you want to reduce code duplication by fixing a standard set of fields the logger will always output.

fmt.Printf("\n*** Using a JSON encoder, at debug level, sending output to stdout, all possible keys specified\n\n")

cfg := zap.Config{
    Encoding:         "json",
    Level:            zap.NewAtomicLevelAt(zapcore.DebugLevel),
    OutputPaths:      []string{"stderr"},
    ErrorOutputPaths: []string{"stderr"},
    EncoderConfig: zapcore.EncoderConfig{
        MessageKey: "message",

        LevelKey:    "level",
        EncodeLevel: zapcore.CapitalLevelEncoder,

        TimeKey:    "time",
        EncodeTime: zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder,

        CallerKey:    "caller",
        EncodeCaller: zapcore.ShortCallerEncoder,
logger, _ = cfg.Build()

logger.Info("This is an INFO message")

fmt.Printf("\n*** Same logger with console logging enabled instead\n\n")

        func(zapcore.Core) zapcore.Core {
            return zapcore.NewCore(zapcore.NewConsoleEncoder(cfg.EncoderConfig), zapcore.AddSync(os.Stderr), zapcore.DebugLevel)
        })).Info("This is an INFO message")


*** Using a JSON encoder, at debug level, sending output to stdout, all possible keys specified

{"level":"INFO","time":"2018-05-02T16:37:54.998-0700","caller":"customlogger/main.go:90","message":"This is an INFO message"}

*** Same logger with console logging enabled instead

2018-05-02T16:37:54.998-0700    INFO    customlogger/main.go:99 This is an INFO message
Using Zap - Simple use cases Using Zap - Creating custom encoders