Ubuntu CDs cause Custom Troubles for Indian Linux enthusiast
Ubuntu Linux is a Linux distribution which Ubuntu promoters ship to enthusiasts all over the globe. The distribution was featured recently in a daily at Mysore. Excited by the article, Satish places an order for Ubuntu CDs at the Ubuntu shipit webpage.
The CDs arrive promptly, and so does a show cause notice from the Indian customs department asking Satish to provide “Importer Code Number, Invoice, Purchase Order, Order Confirmation and Technical write-up” failing which he would be fined and/or have the goods confiscated. Here is the letter that Satish sends to the editor of the article (Link):
Dear Soundara Rajan, This is regarding to the Ubuntu CDs. We have recieved call memo from the deputy commissioner of customs, postal appraising department. It states: "The parcel mentioned above and addressed to you arrived for the release of which, you are required to furnish the following documents / information within 10 / 15 days, failing which, action will be initiated as per the provisions of the customs act, 1962, international postal regulations such as (a) Assessment based on the available data, (b) Confiscation of the goods to the government of india, (c) Return the goods to the sender, as deemed fit, without any further intimation: 1. Importer Code Number 2. Invoice, Purchase Order, Order Confirmation, Technical write-up. The redemption fine and personal penalty wherever imposed, will be addition to the import duty leviable and should be seperately remitted in the state bank of india, bangalore branch, st.marks road, bangalore." Are you aware of any such requirements. Has anyone else received the CDs in bangalore. Kindly advice if you know the procedure to release the CDs as we do not have any invoice, purchase order, etc. Regards Satish
I receive free CDs shipments from Intel regularly. So is this user in trouble because Ubuntu promoters don’t provide customs details about the shipment?